S.A.A.M - Unity Serious Game

Main menu


S.A.A.M is the acronym of “Savoir, Apprendre et s’AMuser” in french and is a serious game developed with Unity. It is also the name of the main heroine of the game.

It was presented as a end study project during my bachelor degree in IT development. The following video is a small cutscene used as an introduction during the final presentation.

Intro & User registration

The game starts on the main menu with a cutscene in the background inspired of 2D games. It showcases SAAM, the heroine in different environments which will be used through the different levels.

On the foreground, the plaer has to register before playing. The objective is to record player stats when they cleared a level to show their progression.

Login & Select level

Once the player register, he/she can select the level the wants to play. Levels are in fact mini games based on a theme (grammar or mathematics for example)


The following videos show different levels / mini games.

“Le compte est bon”

In this game, the main objective is to reorder operators to get the desired result.

“Pas d’impair”

In this game, the objective is dynamic : you have to get only odd/even numbers depending on the instruction displayed at the top of the screen.


In this game, the main objective is to get the correct letters to create a specific name (displayed on the left of the screen)

Valentin Mullet
Valentin Mullet
IT PhD Student - Consultant

My research interests include blockchain technology, industry 4.0 and cybersecurity.
