Paletto - Unity 3D Game

Main menu

A Unity game project based on the Pentago game

Another Unity project started during my free time. The gameplay is inspired of the Pentago which is a turn by turn game where the player must form a line of the same color on a board. I reimagined the game by giving for every player an avatar with a background story.

Cutscene intro

The following video is a preview of the main menu with some asian vibes. All animations & assets were based on png files and were done from scratch.

Selection Menu

Before starting to play, the player must choose a mode & an avatar (see video below)

You have multiple modes (or difficulty) and the number of players is tied to this.


As the gameplay is turn by turn based, I choose to use a state machine to handle this. This video is a preview of the gameplay part in auto mode. (As you can see, the background is completely animated & some sound effects were implemented).

Valentin Mullet
Valentin Mullet
IT PhD Student - Consultant

My research interests include blockchain technology, industry 4.0 and cybersecurity.
