ART - Augmented reality for Traffic

Photo of Art interface

When Augmented Reality meets vehicle plates recognition


ART (Augmented Reality For Traffic) is a multi-platofrm application developed with Unity during the end of my course (master Degree) in partnership with the french company Eurotunnel (GetLink)

The purpose of this application was to reduce traffic jam for customers who had to take the shuttle during the holliday period.

To accomplish that, an application was created to get clients’ informations (bookings, reservations…) just by recognizing their vehicle plates.

Before this application was developed, the process to accompany clients was done by agents who ask to customers their reservation numbers… and it takes 20 seconds.

With ART, this process takes only 1-2 seconds and the agent knows everything about the client before having talked to him. This is a great imrprovement concerning clients’ satisfaction.

As this project was a great success, there were some press articles about it such as : La Voix Du Nord

Actually, this project is used by Eurotunnel wich is our first client.

The Application

ART was developed with Unity and is multi-platform. The primary device used to run this application are the SmartGlasses Vuzix M300 which is an AR device.

This device implements some specific features such as :

Voice Recognizing to transform ART into an hands-free application. Button commands on the side to trigger the application recognizing process (or if the voice recognizer doesn’t work)

Of course, ART can also run on smartphones (Android, iOS), tablets and any mobile device which has a camera to identify the vehicle plate.

To use this application, you just need to take a photo by pressing a button or with a vocal command such as “Take photo” and ART will do the job.

Recognition process

ART includes multiple recognition technology to adapt to clients’ needs :


  • Local solution : A service which can be installed on your company’s network to keep privacy of your data. The support will be done by yout IT service.
  • Cloud solution : A service maintained with support guaranteed to work at any time, scalable to adapt to your use. More you use it, more resources are allocated to you.


Actually, this application can do the following :

  • Take photo
  • Recogonize vehicle plate (any country…)
  • History (all plates recognized)
  • Vocal commands
  • Config file (button controls, vocal commands….)

Source Code / Licence

Actually, the source code is hosted at Gitlab – Art-Core under the GNU GPL V3.0 Licence

If you’re interested to use this application for your company, please contact me by clicking here

Valentin Mullet
Valentin Mullet
IT PhD Student - Consultant

My research interests include blockchain technology, industry 4.0 and cybersecurity.